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Fair Trade Burma Refugee Dye Square Coin Purse Black #C

Product id: 32798
Price: $7.50
$7.35 for orders of 4 or more products
$7.11 for orders of 10 or more products
$6.73 for orders of 20 or more products
$6.26 for orders of 50 or more products
$5.95 for orders of 100 or more products
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Weight: 40gms
Lead time: We have no units in stock, if you order this item the expected lead time is 6-12 weeks and you must purchase a minimum quantity of 10 or pay a commission fee of $25. help
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Producer: Weave, Burmese Refugee Women
Sourced from Weave (Women's Education for Advancement and Empowerment), an organization committed to empowering indigenous hill tribe women, especially in the refugee camps that exist on Thailand's Northern border with Burma. Founded in 1990 Weave supports these marginalized peoples basic human rights, and through sales of craft items encourages them to be self sufficient while retaining their unique cultural heritage.

Approximate dimensions (closed):
Width: 7.5cm
Height: 10cm
Deep: -cm

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