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Franz Marc - The Blue Horse - Ladies German Expressionist Painting T-Shirt sz XL

Product id: 72936
Price: $16.50
$16.14 for orders of 4 or more products
$15.60 for orders of 10 or more products
$14.70 for orders of 20 or more products
$13.62 for orders of 50 or more products
$12.90 for orders of 100 or more products
Add To Your Order (max 3)
Weight: 250gms
Lead time: No lead time. This product is limited to the 3 units in stock. help

- 1 inch (1") = 2.54cm.
- The given sizes are approximations only, exact measurements may vary.
- To compare sizes take a similar item of your own that fits well and lay it flat, smooth it out and use a tape measure to measure straight across, making sure the tape measure is tight.
- Chest and shoulder measurements are obtained by measuring once across and then doubling this measurement.
- Back is from the highest point on the shoulder to the bottom hem.

P&N size (XL)arge

Bust/chest: 41"
Waist: 35"
Hip: 40"
Shoulder: 17"
Arm: 13"
Yoke: n/a
SLeeve length: 8"
BAck height: 26"
Collar: n/a

Fabric: Cotton & Polyester blend

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